CS 7322 - Human Factors and Ergonomics

Course Description:

This course combines knowledge in the fields of intelligent user interfaces, human factors, ergonomics, and environmental psychology. Topics include HCI principles, human information processing, anthropometry, principles of eye tracking and their effects on human factors research, as well as operations of biometrics systems and human factors influencing those systems.

Course Objectives:

The students will be able to:

  • Describe principles and methodologies of Human Factors

  • Create intelligent user interfaces grounded in Human Factors

  • Evaluate principles of human information processing

  • Explain principles of eye tracking and their effects on human factors research

  • Design and evaluate biometric systems based on the underlying human factors influencing those systems

  • Construct interfaces with ergonomic design considerations

  • Complete individual and team projects

Course Notes:

Course effective Fall 2017.  Available only for computer science majors.