CS 5369G - Web Service Engineering

Course Description:

This course introduces concepts, principles, and methodology enabling development of a software as a service according to Service-Oriented Architecture; methodology of SOA-based systems development; main technologies used in achieving SOA; and challenges and opportunities that SOA provide. In SOA, software applications are constructed based on independent component services with standard interfaces.


Course Objectives:

  1. This course will introduce and discuss the various technologies involved in describing, discovering, publishing and composition of web services.

  2. The grading will be based on two substantial projects, research paper presentations, and a final examination.

  3. In the first project, students will have to implement some simple web services using emerging Web service technologies such as UDDI, SOAP, and WSDL.

  4. In the second project, the professor will provide a set of papers that cover various Web service research issues. The second project should be an implementation of one of the ideas presented in the papers.

  5. The professor will provide a list of research papers that cover the course topics. Each student will have three (half hour) in class paper presentations.

  6. The course will use an industry-leading application server, BEA WebLogic Workshop for students to build a demonstrational Web service-based application. This software can run on either Sun Solaris or Windows NT operating systems.

Course Notes:

Software engineering majors can take this course as part of the degree.

Section Info:

Lecture/Lab Hours: 3 hours lecture, 0 hours lab
Offered: infrequently